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Message-ID: <20130801155620.GZ1472@yuggoth.org> Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2013 15:56:21 +0000 From: Jeremy Stanley <fungi@...goth.org> To: oss-security@...ts.openwall.com Subject: Re: Requesting CVE-ID(s) for Python's pip On 2013-08-01 14:03:35 +0000 (+0000), isis agora lovecruft wrote: > On Jul 30, 2013, at 2:29 AM, Kurt Seifried <kseifried@...hat.com> wrote: > [...] > > I'm not sure in this case MD5 alone is a security vulnerability, > > I think previously it had been decided that just because it uses > > MD5 wasn't ernough to get a CVE, it had to have some specific > > use that made MD5 a problem. [...] > Marc Stevens recently published a paper on using probabilistic > conditionals to control differential computation for two-block MD5 > collisions [...] But as we discussed the last time this came up, realistic attack vectors like "pad my malicious payload so that it hashes to the same value as the official uploaded content from the real author" require a second preimage attack. The paper you cited is merely about improving the time needed to mount a collision attack (picking two datasets which hash to the same value). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Preimage_attack So the worst exploit I can envision from this is that a malicious author constructs two programs. One is benign, and gets code reviewed and uploaded. Then at some point the second, which is malicious in nature, is surreptitiously uploaded in place of the first and nobody notices the switch. -- { PGP( 48F9961143495829 ); FINGER( fungi@...ulhu.yuggoth.org ); WWW( http://fungi.yuggoth.org/ ); IRC( fungi@....yuggoth.org#ccl ); WHOIS( STANL3-ARIN ); MUD( kinrui@...arsis.mudpy.org:6669 ); }
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