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Message-ID: <20080502193949.GG17990@linsec.ca>
Date: Fri, 2 May 2008 13:39:49 -0600
From: Vincent Danen <vdanen@...sec.ca>
To: oss-security@...ts.openwall.com
Subject: Re: group announcement (was: list: members vs.
read-only subscribers)
* [2008-05-02 15:26:26 -0400] Josh Bressers wrote:
>On 25 April 2008, Josh Bressers wrote:
>> On 23 April 2008, Solar Designer wrote:
>> >
>> > Josh - now that the list setup has been restricted like you wanted, are
>> > you going to work on an announcement suitable for posting to Bugtraq?
>> >
>> Just so nobody thinks I missed this,
>> It's been a very busy week for me, so I've not started on this yet. I'll
>> try to draft something up this weekend or early next week. I have some
>> ideas.
>OK, sorry for the delay, there was a reason though.
>I have a first draft writeup, that I'm sticking at the end of this message,
>and I plan to run this past the Red Hat Corporate Communications people
>(which is where the delay came from, they are busy people). They have
>offered to add this announcement (presuming it conforms to their standards)
>to the Red Hat press blog, which is well read by various people in the
>computing press world. This should help get a lot more attention than just
>sending this out to a few mailing lists. I did however explain that
>whatever goes on the press blog needs to be cleared with this group first,
>and they completely understand.
>So here is my plan. If everyone could take a look at this writeup and add
>comments, then around mid next week, I'll send our changes to the Red Hat
>folks, then hopefully by weeks end we'll all be synced up, with something
>ready to go the week after.
>-------------------- snip ----------------------------
I have no problem with this at all. I think it sounds great.
Vincent Danen @ http://linsec.ca/
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