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Message-ID: <2141fda3a5e1d1b6a0188090e06d1af5@smtp.hushmail.com> Date: Sat, 27 Apr 2013 11:08:25 +0200 From: magnum <john.magnum@...hmail.com> To: john-users@...ts.openwall.com Subject: Re: 'close' to getting opencl working The sample OpenCL program you mentioned merely probed the device, just like --list=opencl-devices. So maybe you should try some short hello-world opencl program that actually runs a simple kernel. I have seen bleeding list devices but not being able to use them, in bleeding. That was when my GPU driver had stuck (needing a reboot). I think unstable currently is better in that regard (may emit some useful error message). magnum On 27 Apr, 2013, at 5:03 , jfoug@....net wrote: > I am doing CPU opencl. I do not have a GPU. I am not worried about performance. I just want to be able to compile, to do testing on/off. > > It may well be that VB does not support this. There are a few settings on the outside of VB, on how the VM is setup, PAE/NX etc. I do have that selected. I will look for other settings, and see if I can find current posts listing VB can not do OpenCL at all (hope not). > > Jim. > > ---- Rich Rumble <richrumble@...il.com> wrote: >> On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 10:07 PM, <jfoug@....net> wrote: >> >>> I have hit magnum up with this (offlist), and am not getting things to >>> work. I thought I would bring this to the entire list, and beg for >>> knowledge ;) >>> >>> I have a VirutualBox VM with 12.10 ubuntu x64. I have given it 6 cores, >>> 100%, with 2gb memory (I could up that if needed). I just installed the >>> latest CPU OpenCL version, from the intel site. I have gotten a test box >>> OpenCL program working (was in my original post to magnum. I can not get >>> any tests or runs to see any OpenCL devices. But the -list=opencl-devices >>> does show it is installed. Things built/linked perfectly. >>> >> VMware supports CUDA/OpenCL, I'd wager that VB might not? >> http://blogs.vmware.com/performance/2011/10/gpgpu-computing-in-a-vm.html >> >> An article from 2011 says VB doesn't (didn't then) >> http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=virtualbox_4_opengl&num=1 >> Using Gallium3D would also make it feasible to also open up other forms of >> acceleration to guests such as for OpenCL, OpenVG, OpenGL ES, and Xorg >> EXA/XvMC. VirtualBox does provide 2D acceleration support when using their >> driver. The VirtualBox Direct3D driver is also limited to Direct3D 8/9 >> while there is a Gallium3D Direct3D 10/11 state >> tracker<http://www.phoronix.com/vr.php?view=15292>in existence. >> >> Just a guess, but maybe others are using VirtualBox and OpenCL, I can't >> seem to find it in my search however... >> -rich > >
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