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Message-Id: <9A3FBFF1-6A03-4F5F-B4DE-5DA1E996D069@gmail.com> Date: Sat, 16 Mar 2013 20:09:38 -0400 From: Chris Mulligan <chris.mulligan@...il.com> To: john-users@...ts.openwall.com Subject: opencl I'm attempting to recover the password for a 1Password agile keychain file. After working with sftp and ukasz on #openwall, I'm having an opencl issue. I'm on OS X 10.8.3, on a mid-2010 Macbook pro (i5 and Geforce GT 330M). Using the git repository, master/HEAD c9b88eeabf5775e3872582bab91de41dcd066c3a. I'm compiling with "make clean macosx-x86-64-opencl" When I try to decrypt the sample hash in gilekeychain_fmt_plug.c (copied into openwall.hash) I get the following error immediately. Kotai:JohnTheRipper chmullig$ ./run/john --format=agilekeychain-opencl --rules=WordlistOnly --wordlist=wl.txt openwall.hash OpenCL platform 0: Apple, 2 device(s). Device 1: GeForce GT 330M Build log: <program source>:15:10: fatal error: 'opencl_device_info.h' file not found #include "opencl_device_info.h" ^ Error -11 building kernel. DEVICE_INFO=130 OpenCL error (CL_BUILD_PROGRAM_FAILURE) in file (common-opencl.c) at line (209) - (clBuildProgram failed.) Thanks, Chris
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