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Message-ID: <BLU0-SMTP369BCD39CC7B7D7B7996F28FD270@phx.gbl> Date: Sat, 5 Jan 2013 13:00:29 +0100 From: Frank Dittrich <frank_dittrich@...mail.com> To: john-users@...ts.openwall.com Subject: Re: Incremental attack properties questions On 01/05/2013 09:58 AM, JohnyKrekan wrote: > 2. What do I need to create a alpha.chr file for passwords derived from Slovak language? In addition to what magnum wrote: You should name your .chr file differently, e.g. slovakian.chr, and not overwrite the alpha.chr file. You can create a dummy john.pot file (just preceding every slovakian word in your word list with a colon) which can then be used to build a new .chr file. Read doc/EXAMPLES for reference how to use ./john --make-charset= Then, you define a new section (either in john.conf, or in john.local.conf, if your john version is recent enough that this file exists): [Incremental:Slovakian] File = $JOHN/slovakian.chr MinLen = 1 MaxLen = 8 CharCount = 26 Adjust MinLen to your desires minimum length. CharCount is optional. If your dictionary required non-ascii characters to be useful, you may be out of luck with incremental mode, unless you are willing to patch john. Check the output of ./john --list=build-info: (unstable-jumbo)run $ ./john --list=build-info Version: 1.7.9-jumbo-7+unstable Build: linux-x86-native Arch: 32-bit LE $JOHN is ./ Format interface version: 9 Rec file version: REC3 Charset file version: CHR2 CHARSET_MIN: 32 (0x20) CHARSET_MAX: 126 (0x7e) CHARSET_LENGTH: 8 Max. Markov mode level: 400 Max. Markov mode password length: 30 Compiler version: 4.6.3 20120306 (Red Hat 4.6.3-2) gcc version: 4.6.3 OpenSSL library version: 10000003 GMP library version: 4.3.2 NSS library version: (loaded: Extended ECC) NSPR library version: 4.9.2 Kerberos version 5 support enabled If UTF-8 encoding is required for your hash format, the first limiting factor for incremental mode will be CHARSET_LENGTH: 8 (This length is in bytes, so this translate to an even shorter length in characters.) CHARSET_MAX: 126 (0x7e) This will exclude any non-ascii characters, no matter what encoding you use. Probably, for cracking Slovakian passwords, you are better of using Markov mode instead of incremental mode, even if Markov mode also requires a little adjustment to work with non-ascii characters. Even if you would get incremental mode working with non-ascii characters, the incremental mode would sooner or later generate byte sequences which are not valid utf-8 characters. (This shouldn't happen with Markov mode, provided you generate your custom stats file with valid input. There's just one exception if a byte sequence for a non-ascii character at the end of the word gets cut off due to maximum length or maximum Markov level limits.) Read doc/MARKOV for all the details I skipped. I am sure it will be worth it. >From a quick glance at the code, calc_stat.c needs #if 0 #endif around two if ... { ... } blocks. The first one starts at line 92: if(C2I(ligne[i])>127) The second starts at line 104: if((i>0) && (C2I(ligne[i-1])>127)) Otherwise, non-ascii characters would be skipped when generating the custom stats file. But after this change, everything seems to work. I just used a few lines with German umlauts and a few other special characters here. Make sure you use a reasonable word list instead. (unstable-jumbo)run $ cat fdtest äö äöü äöüß Äää Ööö ÜüÄöß §ößäüößÄÖܲ³¼ ²³ ²³¼ä (unstable-jumbo)run $ ./calc_stat fdtest fdtest-stat zero -10*log proba2[132*256+195] (3) / 3, converted to 1 to prevent infinite length candidates zero -10*log proba2[150*256+195] (2) / 2, converted to 1 to prevent infinite length candidates zero -10*log proba2[159*256+195] (2) / 2, converted to 1 to prevent infinite length candidates zero -10*log proba2[164*256+195] (5) / 5, converted to 1 to prevent infinite length candidates zero -10*log proba2[167*256+195] (1) / 1, converted to 1 to prevent infinite length candidates zero -10*log proba2[178*256+194] (3) / 3, converted to 1 to prevent infinite length candidates zero -10*log proba2[179*256+194] (2) / 2, converted to 1 to prevent infinite length candidates zero -10*log proba2[182*256+195] (6) / 6, converted to 1 to prevent infinite length candidates zero -10*log proba2[188*256+195] (4) / 4, converted to 1 to prevent infinite length candidates Don't worry about these warnings. Then I added a new section to my john.conf file immediately after the [Markov:Default] section: [Markov:fdtest] .include [Markov:Default] Statsfile = $JOHN/fdtest-stat Adjust MkvMaxLen as well. Keep in mind that the length is in bytes. (Non-ASCII characters in UTF-8 encoding need more than one byte.) (unstable-jumbo)run $ ./john --markov=fdtest --stdout MKV start (stats=$JOHN/fdtest-stat, lvl=200 len=12 pwd=288809) öööööö öööööä öööööß öööööü öööööÄ öööööÖ öööööÜ ööööö ööööö ööööäö ööööää ööööäß ööööäü ööööäÄ ööööäÖ ööööäÜ ööööä ... Even if this looks like there must still be a bug somewhere, because my input file doesn't contain a word starting with ö: Keep in mind that the Markov mode works based on byte frequency information. The UTF-8 representation of ä and ö start with the same byte. Because ö occurred more frequently than ä in the input file, Markov mode starts generating "words" which begin with ö. If you use a real word list (or a list of real Slovakian passwords or pass phrases, this shouldn't be a problem. Frank
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