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Message-ID: <0332662d3e0cbbfce7ca56e8497bc212@smtp.hushmail.com> Date: Sat, 5 Jan 2013 15:25:24 +0100 From: magnum <john.magnum@...hmail.com> To: john-users@...ts.openwall.com Subject: Re: Incremental attack properties questions On 5 Jan, 2013, at 15:07 , JohnyKrekan <krekan@...nykrekan.com> wrote: > Good afternoon, Thanx for your valuable feedback. Since I only need wordlist without special national characters (all words in Slovak language can be written with standard a..z characters) So do you expect users to pick standard characters for their pass-phrases as opposed to Slovak ones? Obviously if the user picked a password including Slovak characters, you can't replace them with ASCII ones when attacking it. > I managed to create my custom.chr without any filters. > When I made same test and compared the statistical results, this new charset performs much better. > For example in generating 6 character words, the standard alpha.chr had a success of around 34 %, my new charset has success rate about 76 %. I'm willing to bet Solar will challenge that with this question: Did you test it on a different set of data than you trained it with? On another note, WPA-PSK can't use plaintexts shorter than 8 octets, right? At the low speed you can attack it, this makes brute-forcing a challenge. magnum
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