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Message-ID: <CANWtx02Ce1fP-rQgdrezVe11R5Q3CVedPoQRYuaUYc4ykZ5igQ@mail.gmail.com> Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2012 14:54:16 -0500 From: Rich Rumble <richrumble@...il.com> To: john-users@...ts.openwall.com Subject: Re: How does incremental mode works? On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 2:20 PM, Richard Miles <richard.k.miles@...glemail.com> wrote: > Hi all > > I see that default incremental option is not a sequential brute force. Can > someone please give me details about how it works and how password > candidates are generated and selected? Read the MODES documentation: http://www.openwall.com/john/doc/MODES.shtml Basically JtR is trying more likely candidates based on a certain dataset using Tri-graph frequencies (or some such:). You can "train" your chr files to suit the hashes you're cracking and possibly get even better results... If your auditing a company and a product or brand name appears in peoples passwords, creating a custom chr file may be a good idea, as those letters/characters are showing up for frequently and might get hashes to fall faster in that instance. If you then used that same custom chr file against another list from a different source, your results will probably very poor. Incremental mode is limited to 8 character places, but can be made longer. http://www.openwall.com/john/doc/EXAMPLES.shtml (custom chr) More Info http://www.openwall.com/lists/john-users/2009/02/20/3 > Also, I see that OCL hashcat has a similar feature which also give us good > results. Is there any kind of comparison between the two modes used? Which > one is more effective? Or downside and upsides for jTr and OCL hashcat? Maybe this Reddit article addresses some of that, I dunno. With JtR's incremental mode, every character is determined by {length, position, previous two characters}. The above is from http://www.reddit.com/r/crypto/comments/yuqyi/john_the_ripper_vs_oclhashcatlite#id-t2_4r8q1 -rich
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