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Message-ID: <20100413205902.GA31505@openwall.com> Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 00:59:02 +0400 From: Solar Designer <solar@...nwall.com> To: john-users@...ts.openwall.com Subject: Re: About JtR Domain Cached Hashes Cracking System [1.7.5 + jumbo patch revision 1 build for Win32 (1.8 MB) by Erik Winkler] On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 02:51:09AM -0300, Yuri Tavares dos Santos Eastwood wrote: > I just wanted to know which charset does JtR uses to crack those hashes. Does it use special characters aswell? It is up to you to decide and specify what charset to use (as well as what cracking modes, for that matter). The defaults are quite reasonable, though. In the "incremental" mode, the default is to use all.chr (which means all the 95 printable ASCII characters, including punctuation) for all hash types except for LM hashes and LM challenge-responses. For the latter hash types, lanman.chr is used instead - it is similar, but case-insensitive and limited to lengths up to 7 (which is right for LM hash halves). So, while your question is a bit unclear, I guess the answer is "yes" - JtR does use "special characters" (assuming that this means printable ones) when it cracks "mscash" hashes. Alexander
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