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Message-Id: <200701212203.42337.michaelkintzios@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 21 Jan 2007 22:03:40 +0000
From: Mick <michaelkintzios@...il.com>
To: john-users@...ts.openwall.com
Subject: Re: Is the passwd in upper or lower case ?
Thank you,
On Sunday 21 January 2007 21:17, The Rogue Fugu wrote:
> You are probably cracking a LM hash, which is case insensitive. See
> "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LM_hash" to see how it works.
> Basically, the password is uppercased, split in two parts of 7-bytes
> each. Each part is used as a DES key to encrypt the text "KGS!@#$%".
> The results of the encryption is the hash. The reason why you see two
> hashes is because john splits the hash in two, and cracks each half
> separately.
OK, I think I understand how LM hashes work. However, if the passwd is
uppercased how can one discover which letters should be lower case? As far
as I know all passwds in WinXP are case sensitive.
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