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Message-ID: <CAFMirAF6h3G0N0Qvr7J1ahq=C4TjLA3rE9R_CyM-aUw8HpetxA@mail.gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 16 Jul 2011 00:07:06 -0300
From: Yuri Gonzaga <yuriggc@...il.com>
To: crypt-dev@...ts.openwall.com
Subject: Yuri's Status Report - #10 of 15
The interfacing thing is still not working.
When I was able to put the Picoboard to work properly, I used the tool
PicoUtil to create a project to Microsoft's Visual C++.
It provides a wizard to auto generate a ready-to-work project in such a way
I don't have to care about dependencies, DLLs, includes, ...
This is good and easy!
So, when I moved to cygwin I had a problem, as reported in the last weekly
I have gone through the 3 possible solutions but couldn't find a solution.
Actually, I figured out the Picoboard's library has a file called
loadDll.cpp, which should load them in run time and works properly in the
Visual C++ approach.
However, I couldn't put it to work in cygwin.
I tried 2 ways: Load the DLL in the cygwin file system or in the host
windows file system.
In the first one, the function that load the DLL in the code returns null
and shows an error message saying that was not possible to load the DLL.
In the second one, apparently it passes this point but it exits the program
and doesn't present any message. I don't know why...
Is really necessary to keep trying this approach?
David already told there are other board that work on Linux similarly to
windows approach.
Then, I think this task of mixing Windows and cygwin could waste time with
an useless thing.
Wouldn't I interface using Linux ready board with JtR?
I think this time could br better used to multiple cores, for example,
instead of entering those details beyond our scope.
What do you think?
- Accomplishment
- Midterm evalution
- Priorites
- JtR Integration to eksblofish's loop
- using cygwin (?)
- multiple cores
I want to say I know I am partially absent once I was doing only the weekly
status report.
Due to a tight deadline to do my qualification step in the Master's study,
it is happen.
But I promise I will stay more present again.
Best Regards,
Yuri Gonzaga Gonçalves da Costa
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