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Message-ID: <CAFMirAHzNK8QyZ1v-V5WmVx51nO3yOQt37oda_QJDDvW7v1whA@mail.gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 12 Jul 2011 00:58:47 -0300
From: Yuri Gonzaga <yuriggc@...il.com>
To: crypt-dev@...ts.openwall.com
Subject: Yuri's Status Report - #9 of 15
Hi, you all
About the first experience's performance of eksblowfish loop running on the
Besides the execution time presented last week, we will have a better
assessment of performance when I have finished the integration to JtR.
I followed your orientation to move to the integration to JtR. First,
considering only one core.
Although I spent my week time of work trying to conclude this task, I
couldn't achieve the integration to JtR. So, my accomplishment is missing.
Actually, I figure out a problem and need you help.
I am working with Pico board in the Windows environment, as you already
In the other hand, the JtR is made to run in an unix one.
Even in the Windows, I had to compile the code using cygwin.
I prepared both sides, but was unable to integrate because I couldn't
realise a simple way to call USB functions, that depends on a DLL, on the
cygwin environment.
- Priorities
- GSoC's Midterm evaluations
- Eksblowfish loop and JtR integration
- one core
- multiple cores
Yuri Gonzaga Gonçalves da Costa
Mestrando em Informática
LASID - Laboratório de Sistemas Digitais
Universidade Federal da Paraíba
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